How You can help

How You can help

As was in Jesus’ day “the harvest is great but the workers are few”…the greatest need that most Kairos teams have is for both inside and outside volunteers–we call them prison missionaries.

Of Course financial donations are important and always necessary but as so many of the inmates inside have never had the blessing of a chance to know Christ through a godly relative or friend, Kairos needs you as “Jesus with skin on” to go with us. You don’t have to be an expert theologian or anything of the sort–you just have to be you. Given today’s prevalence of misinformation and misunderstanding about the good news of Christ Jesus, there has never been a greater need for believers to just listen, listen and love, love — that’s how we share the gospel.

It may be that for some reason you may not be able to go with the inside team as we work within the walls of the institution — please know that there are other valuable ways that you can be just as present as those inside.  As part of the outside support team you can pray, you can gather artwork and encouraging letters from Sunday School classes, you can bake cookies…like these guys…

Or…you can invite and help make arrangements for a presentation team to come and share with your church. In this way you help recruit other prison missionaries and provide opportunity for believers around you to grow in their faith walk and share the gospel. Whatever your talents may be, there is ample opportunity to invest them for Christ in the prisons throughout America and the world!

To find out how you can “go ye therefore” inside with us or learn more about how you can help support this work of Christ from the outside please check out our “contact us” page at the top.

Especially for Pastors

Kairos weekends cannot be conducted without you! In prison ministry your service is of supreme importance for more reasons than you may be aware of — and we are in desperate need. We know your presence is precious to so many and that you must carefully consider how to best appropriate your valuable time — yet as Kairos is a ministry that has been functioning for some decades now with intentions to continue to do so we are always open to long-range possibilities. Even if you have to plan far in advance to follow God’s calling we can work with you. Please contact us to explore the possibilities of even occasional participation .